It’s a combined game of chess and hide ‘N’ seek with a large dose of adrenaline. Paintball is challenging and fast-paced. As few as two and as many as forty or more can play.
Here at DHP each team starts on opposite sides of the field from each other. A starting signal is given and each team tries to eliminate the other team players. When a player is tagged by a paintball and it breaks that player is eliminated from that game. All games are based on these simple concepts. There are many different types of games to choose from; just ask your ref.
We do not recommend anyone under 7 years old to play. Young minds are just not ready for tactical situations. From 7 to 10 we recommend you request our 50 cal (also known as low velocity) over the 68 cal for older players.
*If you are inviting children under 18 to play with your party. We recommend you have their parents sign the online waiver.
YES. We offer a low impact paintball game for those under the age of 10 years old and above the age of 7 years old.
Yes, although paintball is considered an “Extreme Sport,” paintball is one of the safest sports currently played today. At DHP, our well trained referees will go over all the safety rules before your equipment is issued and you hit the field. Our referees are there for your safety as well as to show you anything you want to know about paintball. SAFETY is the number one thing, so goggles on at all times on the fields and barrel sleeves on at all times when not on the fields. If someone is not following the rules our staff will not hesitate to remove them from playing the rest of their groups session.
When hit by a paintball, it can sting a bit, but it does not last long. Most beginners are afraid of getting tagged for the first time, but once it happens they almost always say it wasn’t as bad as they thought it would be.
Space is limited and as we get to nicer weather that space will fill fast. We recommend making reservations for rental players in groups of 4 or more to guarantee you have a spot to play. If your group grows, just call and let us know if it is more than 2 or 3 extra players.
DHP has a policy of giving the groups that have booked ahead the choice to play with others or play only with their own party. You can request this when you book your group or at the time of check in. It is sometimes fun to play with groups of like skill and age, but it's up to you!
*We do book groups during the week. You must call 48 hours in advance with a group of 10 or more to play during the week.
Yes you can! We do book groups during the week. You must call 48 hours in advance with a group of 10 or more to play during the week. It will require a group deposit of $50.
We are open year around, rain or shine. The only time we would be concerned about weather is if there is high winds 30+ mph, other than that, we will be open.
Yes, you can bring food and drinks with you, but we do have snacks and water for sale too, just in case.
You should wear clothes that can get dirty. We suggest wearing long pants / sweats and long sleeve shirts or even a hoodie, added layers are always good . Cleats (non-metal) or boots are preferred foot wear. Beanies or hats are good, as well as gloves.
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